In applications such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access, date and time formatting typically involves selecting an option from a list. Unfortunately, in SQL Server, you have to calculate a date format using functions! So it is not that y-dd-mm is associated with the British. What is associated with the British is dmy (as in 2.23.2994, 2/23/2004, 2-23-2002, etc.), and SQL Server is “smart” to determine the part of the year. Suppose getdate() returns “2018-03-21 11:36:14.840”, as in your example. I have a column that is varchar (8) that contains a date like 20170609. I need to convert it to datetime in dd/mm/y format 09/06/2017 I want to understand how and why the yy-dd-mm date format is associated with the British language? The Transact-SQL (T-SQL) Convert command can be used to convert data between different types. When converting a DATETIME value to a VarChar string value, style code can be applied. The following code uses style code 2 to indicate that a standard ANSI date ( should be used to represent the date as a string. Note that this returns dateformat dmy.
Your question as to why the following query works: To explicitly state that a date should be displayed in British English format, use en-gb as a cultural argument: Hello, Tibor explains this in the following article: (warnings and common misconceptions – SET DATEFORMAT) I hope this helps. Sincerely, Alberto Morillo This type of elaborate date format is possible to achieve, but you will have to calculate each part separately. To enter an automated appointment reminder voice message, how would I put the date of 12/5/2019 in the 05. Convert December, as in “You have an appointment on December 5” (or December 3 or 13, etc.)? In SQL Server, we used built-in features such as SQL GETDATE() and GetUTCDate() to provide the date and format of the server in different formats. As mentioned earlier, we may need to format a date in different formats depending on our needs. We can use the SQL CONVERT() function in SQL Server to format DateTime in different formats. Depending on the language of your local session, you may or may not need to use this argument. However, here`s how to explicitly specify the English date format for the UK. In this article, we have looked at various SQL conversion date formats. It makes it easy to retrieve a date in the desired format with the Covert function. You can use this article to use a reference for all date formats and use it in your queries.
You can easily use different formats by replacing the value 105 with the value of your format I always specify a culture, although I specify exactly where each date component goes. The reason I do this is to explicitly state which language to use. Omitting this argument may or may not cause problems, depending on the language used. Hehe, I never said I agreed with the design. This has been a legacy since the mid-eighties and simply can`t be changed due to backward compatibility issues (breaking apps is bad, even if they rely on a stupid design). If you used the new date types instead, all “separate/numeric” formats are interpreted language-independently (YYYY-MM-DD). Although the above query does not match dmy (the year is incorrect), SQL Server discovers the part of the year it is in the wrong place and sorts that part. So, if we do not take into account the part of the year, you have dm, which corresponds to the format you specify in the selection above (the daily part comes before the monthly part).
Now that we have seen how to make dates appear in any format we choose, all we have to do is learn how to perform calculations with dates. Read on to find out how! This is the default format used for datetime columns in SQL Server and stores details as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS To test this, look for a table with a datetime column and run the following YYYY-DD-MM format is not a date format that would ever be used in the UK?!? And since we use the British English format, the day comes before the month (unlike the American date format, where the month precedes the day). In this article, we have seen various examples to change the output for different formats in an MS SQL database. In the date format, you can also specify custom formats and convert the input date string according to your needs. You missed a universal date format. Sometimes the date must be evaluated in a SELECT statement, regardless of the geographic location. In the following query, we convert a date format to a specific culture. We need to clarify the culture code. For example, the cultural code for the United States is en-US and hi-IN is for India. We see a really strange behavior in SQL Server 2008 when a user has their language set to British. The server starts interpreting dates in a query like YYYY-DD-MM! Now that you know how to calculate the different parts of a date, it`s relatively easy to assemble them in any order to create your own custom date format. The following example creates the elaborate format shown earlier on this page: In addition, other countries follow different date formats: Apart from that, sometimes we want to include the timestamp with the dates..