Law Society of Ontario Docusign

Lawyer Done Deal has now launched a remote signing portal that is available free of charge to all lawyers. It allows lawyers to send documents to clients, hold virtual closing meetings, and view the client`s signing activities. You can consider it as an option if you are dealing with remote signing. Lawyers should have a reasonable understanding of the technologies used in their practice or have access to someone who has such an understanding. Many lawyers and law firms are closing their offices and working remotely. My office gave all lawyers and staff the opportunity to work from home and provided everyone with the tools to do so. (My partner had the foresight to buy 25 Chromebooks two weeks ago and then install VPN software on each of them.) This week, however, we completely closed the office as a precautionary measure to protect the well-being of our lawyers and staff. It was a difficult decision because most people can`t work from home as effectively. Fewer smaller screens. Don`t show up at a colleague`s office to ask a “quick” question. But it had to be done.

If you and/or your employees need to work remotely, consider the following: a) Use technology to your advantage. If other lawyers and staff in your office have laptops, tablets, or phones with cameras and microphones, you should consider a video conference with them from time to time. There are several good video conferencing apps that allow you to connect and collaborate with your colleagues and employees. Video conferencing can give better results than phone calls. Some video conferencing technologies allow you to share your screen in order to collaborate more effectively. It can also make you feel less isolated. You can also use text messaging or instant messaging to reduce the clutter of your emails. Send as much as possible by email. I know I`ve already mentioned email clogging twice and now I`m suggesting more emails. But it`s convenient. Keep in mind that emails are not secure, so you can encrypt some documents before sending them via email (Word, Excel, and most PDF programs have built-in password encryption – it`s easy to do. Don`t send the password in an email – call the recipient with the password).b) Think about your accounting needs.

My company has a “bank transfer only” policy in place (or direct deposits for incoming funds). We wanted to reduce the need for paper checks for two reasons: first, if the business had to close and operate remotely, checks would become more difficult because two partners have to sign all the trusted checks; and second, electronic banking means fewer hands touch money and spread germs. We set up a remote accounting office near the homes of two partners so that cheques could be printed, sent to partners for signature, and then sent to the recipient. It will certainly take longer than if we are far from each other in the hallway, but it works for those times when we cannot transfer money to the recipient`s account. If you don`t have the option to transfer directly from your office, talk to your bank to get it. It is a game changer. Unfortunately, this may take some time at this stage, as banks are currently likely to work with a small staff and a high volume.c) of client meetingsMany law firms whose offices are still open limit access. Walk-in visits are not recommended and client discussions are by appointment only.

When meeting with clients in person, lawyers and clients should follow the recommendations of the health authority – do not shake hands, sit as far from each other as possible, disinfect the room regularly, etc. When you make an appointment and before meeting with them, ask your clients if they have any symptoms, if they have come into contact with someone who is sick, have tested positive for Covid-19 or if they are self-isolating for any reason. If the answer is yes, consider your health and safety, as well as that of your employees, and determine if the meeting can be postponed or conducted remotely. Some lawyers ask their clients to put documents on a table or counter instead of giving them directly to another person. If your office has the technology, you can meet customers remotely in your office. Clients can be in one meeting room and the lawyer in another and meet by video or phone to review documents. The lawyer can go to the client`s room to testify about the signature at a healthy distance and sign as a witness or commission as soon as the clients leave. If you meet with clients remotely, read the Law Society`s Covid-19 Corporate Statement, which includes information on remote identification and verification of client identity and virtual ordering of documents. .