According to Hobbes, the justification for political engagement is this: since people are inherently selfish but rational, they will choose to submit to the authority of a sovereign in order to live in a civil society conducive to their own interests. Hobbes argues for this by imagining man in his natural state, or in other words, the state of nature. In the state of nature, which according to Hobbes is purely hypothetical, people are natural and exclusively selfish, they are more or less equal to each other (even the strongest person can be killed in sleep), there are limited resources, and yet there is no power that can force people to cooperate. Given these conditions in the state of nature, Hobbes concludes that the state of nature would be unbearably brutal. In the state of nature, every human being is always afraid of losing his life to another. They are unable to ensure the long-term satisfaction of their needs or desires. Long-term or complex cooperation is not possible because the state of nature can rightly be described as a state of total distrust. Given Hobbes` reasonable assumption that most people want to avoid their own death in the first place, he concludes that the state of nature is the worst possible situation people can find themselves in. This is the eternal and inevitable state of war.
On the other hand, Theater Two focuses on improving operational efficiency in the workplace. The researchers say programs in this theater aim to achieve social or environmental benefits to support a company`s operations throughout the value chain by improving efficiency. Examples cited include sustainability initiatives to reduce resource consumption, waste and emissions that could potentially reduce costs. It also calls for investing in employees` working conditions, such as healthcare and education, which can improve productivity and retention. Unlike philanthropic donations, which are valued on their social and environmental returns, initiatives in the second theater should improve the company`s results with social value. Bimbo, the largest bakery in Mexico, is a great example of this theater. The company strives to meet social needs. It offers free educational services to help employees graduate from high school. Bimbo also provides additional medical care and financial support to fill gaps in public health care. [111] In the first Platonic dialogue Krito, Socrates provides a convincing argument for why he must remain in prison and accept the death penalty instead of fleeing and going into exile in another Greek city. He personifies the laws of Athens and declares in their voice that he has acquired an overwhelming obligation to obey the laws because they made possible his entire way of life and even the fact of his existence.
They allowed his mother and father to marry and thus have legitimate children, including himself. After the birth of the city of Athens, his laws required his father to take care of him and educate him. Socrates` life and how that life flourished in Athens depend on the laws. However, it is important that this relationship between citizens and the laws of the city is not enforced. When citizens have grown up and seen how the city behaves, they can choose to leave, take their property with them or stay. Staying implies an agreement to comply with the law and accept the sanctions they impose. And after concluding an agreement that is himself just, Socrates claims that he must respect this agreement he made and obey the laws, in this case by staying and accepting the death penalty. It is important to note that the treaty described by Socrates is implicit: it is implicit by his decision to stay in Athens, although he is free to leave. The six corporate initiatives are forms of corporate citizenship. However, only some of these CSR activities reach the level of root cause marketing, defined as “a type of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in which a company`s advertising campaign has the dual objective of increasing profitability while improving society”. [52] Other authors have argued that consent to join society is not necessarily consent to one`s government. For this, the government must be established according to a governmental constitution that conforms to the global unwritten constitutions of nature and society.
[24] Virginia Held argued that “contemporary Western society is plagued by contractual thinking” (193). Contract models shape a variety of relationships and interactions between people, from students and their teachers to authors and their readers. Given this, it would be difficult to overestimate the effect that social contract theory has had both in philosophy and on culture at large. The theory of social contracts will undoubtedly accompany us in the foreseeable future. But also the critique of such a theory, which will continue to force us to think and rethink the nature of ourselves and our relationships with each other. The research also found that corporate social marketing, a form of CSR that promotes social welfare, is used to deflect criticism from the harmful practices of the alcohol industry. [135] It has been shown that advertisements purporting to encourage responsible drinking are also intended to promote alcohol consumption as a social norm. In this case, companies can participate in CSR and social marketing to prevent stricter state laws on alcohol marketing. As stated in Enduring value: the Australian minerals industry framework for sustainable development, the concept of “social license to operate”, then simply defined as obtaining and maintaining broad community support and acceptance.
Unless a company obtains and maintains this license, social licensees may intend to block the development of the project; Employees may leave the company for a company that is a better corporate citizen: and companies may face ongoing legal challenges. [84] Although Rousseau`s social contract is based on popular sovereignty rather than individual sovereignty, there are other theories defended by individualists, libertarians, and anarchists that do not involve accepting more than negative rights and creating only a limited or non-existent state. A 2006 study[164] found that UK retailers had the highest participation in CSR. Many major UK retailers have joined the Ethical Trading Initiative,[165] an association created to improve working conditions and workers` health. Not everyone believes that companies should have a social conscience. Economist Milton Friedman explained that “economic social responsibility is known for its analytical slackness and lack of rigour.” Friedman believed that only individuals can have a sense of social responsibility. .